Korean Pork Pancakes (Dwaeji Gogi Jeon) | 돼지 고기 전

PronounceD: Dwae-Jee Goh-Ghee Jeon

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What: Pork pancakes or patties (whatever you want to call it) that are seasoned to perfection that makes a great banchan (side dish) to Korean dishes! These can also be used as patties for a classic sandwich or hamburger.

Taste: Savory and juicy pork bites with a flavorful seasoning profile from the perilla leaves, carrots, green onions, and much more. If you love meaty bites, this recipe is a must for you.

How It’s Made: Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Oil pan on medium heat. Form mixture into gold sized balls. Pan-fry on the stove. Super easy. You can get as creative as you want with the veggies you choose to add.

What to Serve it With:

  • Serve with soy sauce dip (in recipe)

  • We had it with rice, Korean Cold Cucumber Tomato Soup, fresh seaweed and Persian cucumbers dipped into gochujang, and yeolmu (young radish) kimchi — see dinner picture below.

  • Make a sandwich or hamburger with these patties!

Notes & Tips:

  • Perilla leaves, beef stock powder, and Korean frying mix notes-

    • Perilla leaves adds a very flavorful kick to this dish. It’s what makes these patties good. If you don’t have it, you can leave it out or use another herby leaf like basil (we haven’t tried this though). You can find this at any Korean Grocery Store.

    • Beef Stock Powder also adds a wonderful seasoning. You can find beef stock powder anywhere. We use the CJ Brand Dasida Stock Powder and you can find this at any Korean Grocery Store.

    • Korean Frying Mix is a flour mixture that is great for frying. My Mom actually doesn’t have flour in her pantry because she just uses this to fry foods. We use Beksul Frying Mix. You can find this at any Korean Grocery Store. You can substitute flour, but it won’t be as flavorful.

  • Use whatever veggies you have on hand— you don’t have to follow this recipe to the tee. However, the perilla leaves really give this dish an extra kick.

  • My Mom does NOT coat this in an egg wash because she wants the flavors of the pork, not the egg.

Yield: 13-15 Pork Pancakes
Korean Pork Pancakes (Dwaeji Gogi Jeon) | 돼지 고기 전

Korean Pork Pancakes (Dwaeji Gogi Jeon) | 돼지 고기 전

Savory and juicy pork bites with a flavorful seasoning profile from the perilla leaves, carrots, green onions, and much more. If you love meaty bites, this recipe is a must for you. These are seasoned to perfection and makes a great banchan (side dish) to Korean dishes. They can also be eaten as patties for a classic sandwich or hamburger.
Prep time: 10 MCook time: 10 MTotal time: 20 M


  • 8.5 oz ground pork
  • ¼ block firm tofu, squeezed—be sure to squeeze out all the juices with hands (100g or ¾ cup packed, squeezed)
  • 3 Tbsp brown onion, minced (70g)
  • 1½ Tbsp green onion, chopped (10g)
  • 4 Tbsp carrot, minced (53g)
  • 1 jalapeño, minced (10g)
  • 8 perilla leaves, minced (20g)*
  • 1 heaping Tbsp garlic, minced (23g)
  • 1 Tbsp ginger, minced (4g)
  • 1 egg
  • ½ sugar
  • ½ sea salt
  • Black Pepper
  • ½ tsp beef stock powder (We use CJ Dasida Beef Stock Powder)*
  • 2 Tbsp Korean frying mix (We use Beksul brand)*
Soy Sauce Dip
  • 1 Tbsp soy sauce
  • ½ Tbsp vinegar (We used apple, but white or rice is fine)
  • Sprinkle of Korean Red Pepper Flakes


  1. Add all ingredients but the soy sauce dip into a medium bowl and mix until well incorporated.
  2. Heat oil in a large pan over medium heat. Form your mixture into golf sized balls as the oil heats up. Reduce heat to medium low. You don’t want the outer layer to burn while the inside is raw, so make sure the heat is medium low. We are going to cook these balls slowly.
  3. Place the balls into the large pan, and let it cook for 2-3 minutes. Then flatten the balls into ½ inch thick patties. You want it to to have some thickness to it. Let it cook for a minute or so. Flip and cook until pork is fully cooked and both sides of the patty are golden and crispy (7 to 10 minutes total).
  4. Serve immediately with a soy sauce dip or serve as a patty on a sandwich or hamburger with your favorite condiments!


Perilla leaves adds a very flavorful kick to this dish. It’s what makes these patties good. If you don’t have it, you can leave it out or use another herby leaf like basil (we haven’t tried this though). You can find this at any Korean Grocery Store.* Beef Stock Powder also adds a wonderful seasoning. You can find beef stock powder anywhere. We use the CJ Brand Dasida Stock Powder and you can find this at any Korean Grocery Store.* Korean Frying Mix is a flour mixture that is great for frying. My Mom actually doesn’t have flour in her pantry because she just uses this to fry foods. We use Beksul Frying Mix. You can find this at any Korean Grocery Store. You can substitute flour, but it won’t be as flavorful.*
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steps with visuals

Prepare the following ingredients and add to a medium bowl:

  • 8.5 oz ground pork

  • ¼ block firm tofu, squeezed—be sure to squeeze out all the juices with hands (100g or ¾ cup packed, squeezed)

  • 3 Tbsp brown onion, minced (70g)

  • 1½ Tbsp green onion, chopped (10g)

  • 4 Tbsp carrot, minced (53g)

  • 1 jalapeño, minced (10g)

  • 8 perilla leaves, minced (20g)

  • 1 heaping Tbsp garlic, minced (23g)

  • 1 Tbsp ginger, minced (4g)

  • 1 egg

  • ½ sugar

  • ½ sea salt

  • Black Pepper

  • ½ tsp beef stock powder (We use CJ Dasida Beef Stock Powder)

  • 2 Tbsp Korean frying mix (We use Beksul brand)

pork patties.jpg

Mix until well incorporated.

Heat oil in a large pan over medium heat. Form your mixture into golf sized balls as the oil heats up.

Reduce heat to medium low. You don’t want the outer layer to burn while the inside is raw, so make sure the heat is medium low. We are going to cook these balls slowly.

Place the balls into the large pan, and let it cook for 2-3 minutes. Then flatten the balls into ½ inch thick patties. You want it to to have some thickness to it. Let it cook for a minute or so. Flip and cook until pork is fully cooked and both sides of the patty are golden and crispy (7 to 10 minutes total).

Korean Pork Patties - 1/2 inch thickness!

Korean Pork Patties - 1/2 inch thickness!

Serve immediately with a soy sauce dip. Mix the following to create dip:

  • 1 Tbsp soy sauce

  • ½ Tbsp vinegar (We used apple, but white or rice is fine)

  • Sprinkle of Korean Red Pepper Flakes

Or serve as a patty on a sandwich or hamburger with your favorite condiments!

An easy banchan (sidedish) or patty to make. If you love juicy meat, definitely give this a try. My Dad and brother literally said, “WOOOOW, this is so good!” while eating this.

Eat Well,

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